The project “Development of a methodology for assessing the level of competitiveness of tourism services”

The project “Development of a methodology for assessing the level of competitiveness of tourism services” for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 with a period of implementation of 12 months (MES RK). IRN AР09561652. Head of research Doctor of Economics Tleuberdinova A.T.

The goal – is to determine a methodological approach intended to assess the competitiveness of tourist services in Kazakhstan, corresponding to modern conditions, with the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the domestic tourism product to determine the reserves for increasing consumer satisfaction.

The main research results: The analysis of existing modern methods and techniques intended to assess the level of competitiveness of tourist services was performed during the study; the influence of components of tourist products on the level of competitiveness was determined by identifying their importance based on the opinions of experts and consumers of tourist services; methodological basis for quantitative assessment of the competitiveness of tourist services was developed; validation of the methodology to assess the competitiveness of tourist services was conducted; satisfaction with tourists was determined.

Research team members:

Tleuberdinova Aizhan Tokhtarovna – Head of scientific research work Doctor of Economics.

Author ID в Scopus: 57192707616

Researcher ID Web of Science: W-2885-2019

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8762-5932

Researcher ID in Publons: W-2885-2019


Salauatova Dinara Muslimovna – Researcher, PhD

Author ID в Scopus: 57212468162

Researcher ID Web of Science: U-5859-2018

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8569-3755

Researcher ID in Publons: U-5859-2018

Publication of the main results of research of project executors in domestic and foreign editions, including:

In the magazines recommended CCES of the MES of the RK:

1.Tleuberdinova A., Salauatova D. Туристтік дестинациялар қызметтерінің бәсекелестік әдістерін талдау (Analysis of competitive methods of tourist destination services) // Turan University Bulletin, №3 (91), 2021. Р. 194-200

2.Tleuberdinova A., Salauatova D. Система показателей, определяющих конкурентоспособность услуг туристских дестинаций (The system of indicators that determine the competitiveness of tourist destination services)// Bulletin Kazakh University of Economics, International Trade and Finance, №3, 2021. Р. 58-63

In the publication of SCOPUS base:

1.Tleuberdinova A., Salauatova D., Pratt S. Macro-economic Factors Influencing Tourism Entrepreneurship: The Case of Kazakhstan // Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2021, 30(1), P. 179–209.

2. Tleuberdinova A., Salauatova D., Pratt S. Assessing Tourism Destination Competitiveness: the case of Kazakhstan // Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events (in the press)