Requirements to manuscripts
The editorial board informs you that starting from issue №3/2014 the rules of preparation and design of papers and corresponding materials have changed. While preparing the papers the editorial board requires the authors to follow the described below rules and requirements for materials to be published in the journal:
- The papers submitted for publication should be original, not published earlier in other printed or electronic editions. The paper content should describe the declared theme and correspond to scientific level of the journal. The paper should possess some novelty and be interesting for scientists, lecturers, economists and managers of enterprises, and specialists in the field of State management. The papers are published in Kazakh, Russian, English languages.The paper size should not exceed 15 pages (5 thousand words) A4 format for PhD, Doctors and Candidates of Science, and 10 pages (3 thousand words) A4 format for PhD and Masters students. The submitted material should be typed in WORD, Times New Roman 14, one interval. The schemes, plots, diagrams, drawings and other graphic materials can be submitted in black-and-white implemented using WORD text editor (not older 2003 version) or using vector graphic software (Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw) with ability to be edited electronically(not bitmap, but vector graphics). The graphic materials and tables should referenced in the text, has number and title. The types smaller #10 are not allowed. Under each table there should be a reference. The formulae are types using MachType or MC Office 2003 and should follow one style in the paper.
- The upper left angle of the first page should contain the UDK index. In the middle of the page in italic type there should be the authors name and surname, position, degree, then in the middle in lower case there should be the Organization name and city, and under this information the paper title in semi-bold capital letters.
- Annotation should describe the work aim, method or techniques of the work conducted, brief results of the work, the field of the results application, summary. The annotation size should be 1/3 page at least. The annotations should be in Kazakh, Russian and English language despite the paper language. After annotation there should be key words in the language of the annotation, no more than 5 words in lower case listed with comma.
- The paper text should be structured using standard titles of sections: “Introduction”, “Body”, “Summary and Conclusion”. If necessary, special additional titles of sections are allowed.
- At the end of the paper there should be References (5 references at least). The references in the text should be indicated in square brackets. The references are indicated in the citation order in the text. All references should be indicated in the text. The references are written according to GOSTР 7..05-2008 “Bibliography reference”.
- After the References there should be a list in Roman letters for SCOPUS and other databases; it should be a complete separate block copying the references to the Russian part independently on availability of foreign sources. If the list has references on foreign publications, these are copied completely to the list prepared in Roman letters. The References should not contain the separation characters (“//” and “–“). The reference title and output data should distinct from the authors by the type, most often italics, full stop or comma. The bibliographic reference structure is the following: authors (transliteration), source title (transliteration), output data, indication of the paper language in brackets. An example of reference to a paper from Russian translated journal: GromovS.P., FedorovaO.A., UshakovE.N., StanislavskiiO.B., LednevI.K., AlfimovM.V. Dokl. Akad.NaukSSSR, 1991, 317, 1134-1139 (in Russ.).
- The separate file should contain the photos and information about the authors: the paper title, surname, name and middle name (in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages), scientific degree and title, complete name and address of the Organization – place of work (including zip code), position, contact telephone, e-mail address. The authors photos should be colored and of good quality (sharp, clear), and of large size. The photos should be sent in *.jpeg, *.tif or *.psd, with resolution not less than 300 dpi.
The papers that do not correspond to the indicated requirements will not be considered by the editorial board and will not be returned. If the paper is declined, the editorial board reserves the right to refuse the discussion on declining reasons.
The accepted papers are reviewed and literary and scientifically edited. The edited paper is sent to the author for updating and viewing. The updated paper should be submitted to the editorial office within 1 month.
The payment is made when the paper is selected for the issue, and should be proceeded using the payment information provided by the editorial office. The cost includes one authors copy.
The papers are accepted electronically and in print, to the e-mail: or by post: Room 113, Institute of Economics, Kyurmangazy str. 29, Almaty.