
Department of innovative and technological development

Department of innovative and technological development

Zaira T. Satpayeva


Head of Department

Satpayeva Zaira Tulegenovna, PhD, associate professor

Scopus ID: (57214615874)

Researcher ID: (N-5297-2014)

РИНЦ: (1038104 )

ORCID: 0000-0002-1644-3709

Objectives of Department

  • To analyze the impact of technological change on economic structures: study how emerging technologies alter economic sectors such as manufacturing, services, and agriculture, focusing on productivity, employment, and market dynamics.
  • To identify and promote sustainable economic innovations: evaluate technologies that contribute to sustainable development, aiming to identify those that offer environmental, economic, and social benefits.
  • To foster a culture of innovation within economic systems: encourage the development and integration of innovative practices and technologies within traditional economic frameworks to enhance competitiveness and efficiency.

Functions of Department

  • Распространение знаний и сотрудничество: содействие обмену идеями и результатами исследований посредством публикаций, семинаров, конференций и сотрудничества с университетами, НИИ, бизнесом, государственными органами, институтами развития и другими учреждениями.
  • Research and Development (R&D) on current issues of scientific, technological and innovative development of the economy: conducting systematic basic and applied research to explore how new technological advancements can be integrated into existing economic models and what new models may be necessary. This includes the development and testing of hypotheses, data collection and analysis, and the development of new methodologies.
  • Policy guidance and recommendations: development science- and evidence-based recommendations to policymakers and industry leaders to help shape public and corporate policies that foster the effective adoption of innovative technologies in economic practices.
  • Knowledge dissemination and collaboration: promoting the exchange of ideas and research results through publications, seminars, conferences and collaborations with universities, research institutes, businesses, government agencies, development institutions and other institutions.

Projects of Department


«Priorities and mechanisms against rural women of Kazakhstan unequal access to the resources» AP14869297 (project manager – сand. sc. (econ.), associate professor Kireyeva А.А.)

2023 – 2025

«A balanced approach to the evaluation of scientific research: methodology and implementation mechanisms» AP19678110 (project manager – PhD, Alibekova G. Zh.)

2023 – 2025

«Innovative infrastructure of Kazakhstan in the context of digitalization: assessment of the state and development of an atlas» AP19680544 (project manager – PhD, associate professor Satpayeva Z.T.).

Publications of Department

  • Alibekova G., Alzhanova F., Osmanov Z., Omarov A. (2023). Regional specialization and diversification of industries in Kazakhstan. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 10(5), 898–906. https://doi.org/10.15549/jeecar.v10i5.1096
  • Alzhanova F., Alibekova G., Dnishev F., Bagayeva N. (2023). Knowledge distribution in the science and technology space (Case of the Eurasian Economic Union). Journal of Distribution Science, 21(9), 81–91. https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.21.09.202309.81
  • Nurlanova N.K., Alzhanova F.G., Satpayeva Z.T. (2023). Sustainable development of cities: Rating assessment methodology and risk analysis (using Kazakhstan as an example). Economy of Regions, 19(2), 343–354. https://doi.org/10.17059/ekon.reg.2023-2-4
  • Kireyeva A.A., Satpayeva Z.T., Kenzhegulova G.K., Kangalakova D.M., Jussibaliyeva A. (2022). Kazakhstani womenʼs participation in online marketplaces: Benefits and barriers. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1002/app5.361
  • Dnishev F.M., Alzhanova F.G., Satpayeva Z.T. (2022). Territorial distribution of Kazakhstan’s knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy: Opportunities and prospects. Economics: the strategy and practice, 17(2), 52-65. https://doi.org/10.51176/1997-9967-2022-2-52-65
  • Raimbekov Z., Sharipbekova K., Syzdykbayeva B., Turginbayeva A., Sladkowski A. (2022). Assessing logistic factors and forecasting their impact on economic growth: The example of Kazakhstan. Transport Problems, 17(4), 42–54. https://doi.org/10.20858/tp.2022.17.4.04
  • Kireyeva A., Kangalakova D., Kredina А., Satpayeva Z., Urdabayev M. (2021). Managing research and development process in conditions of economic growth of Kazakhstan: Methods and analysis. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(3), 185-196. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.19(3).2021.16
  • Kenzhaliyev O.B., Ilmaliyev Z.B., Tsekhovoy A.F., Alibekova G.Z., Tayauova G.Z. (2021). Conditions to facilitate commercialization of R & D in case of Kazakhstan. Technology in Society, 67, 101792. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2021.101792
  • Kozhakhmetova A., Zhidebekkyzy A., Turginbayeva A., Akhmetova Z. (2019). Modelling of project success factors: A cross-cultural comparison. Economics and Sociology, 12(2), 219–234. https://doi.org/10.14254/2071-789X.2019/12-2/13
  • Dnishev F.M., Alzhanova F.G., Alibekova G.Zh. (2015). Innovative development of Kazakhstan on the basis of triple helix and cluster approach. Ekonomika regiona / Economy of regions, 2, 160-171. https://doi.org/10.17059/2015-2-13