
The center of social and economic research in Astana city

The center of social and economic research in Astana city

Rakhmetova Rakhila Umirzakovna

Director of the Center

Rakhmetova Rakhila Umirzakovna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Scopus ID: 56027902300

Researcher ID: KJL-2065-2024 

ORCID: 0000-0002-4079-244X

Center  tasks

  • Formation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of socio-economic processes and identification of specific features of economic development in the context of digitalization;
  • Development of a scientific basis for interdisciplinary research of socio-economic processes using statistical and mathematical methods based on computer technologies and provision of scientific and methodological materials based on real data from the current socio-economic situation of Kazakhstan.

Center functions

  • Research and development on the formation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of socio-economic processes and identification of specific features of economic development in the context of digitalization.
  • Practical instructions and recommendations: cooperation and close interaction with business structures of the country and the akimat of the city of Astana, participation in the development of strategies and action plans for the socio-economic direction of development and recommendations for the future.
  • Dissemination of knowledge: providing scientific and methodological materials based on real data of the current socio-economic situation of Kazakhstan; intensifying the use of modern analytical methods and computer technologies in research activities for the analysis and forecasting of socio-economic processes; organizing a series of scientific seminars, round tables, as well as international conference; attraction to research activities of young specialists, undergraduates and doctoral students; management of practice and internship of master’s and doctoral students; PhD research supervision.

Center projects


  • AP14871419 “Formation of the institutional environment of the e-commerce market in Kazakhstan, its assessment and development of a evolution mechanism” (scientific supervisor – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Azatbek T.)

Publications of the center

  • Азатбек Т., Раимбеков Ж., Сыздыкбаева Б., Шарипбекова К.(2022). Improving the Efficiency of Transportation and Distribution of Goods in Modern Conditions// Modern Trends and Research in Intermodal Transportation Springer.- 2022.- Р.197-276. ISBN https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-87120-8
  • Azatbek Т., Bekenova , Baimukasheva Zh., Velesko S. (2019). Commercialization of intellectual development of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of National academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 377 (2019), 80 – 93. https://doi.org/10.32014/2019.2518-1467.10
  • Zhanbozova, A., Panzabekova, A., Bekenova, L. (2022). The Level of Urbanization of the Regions of Kazakhstan: Assessment by the Index Method. In: Martinat, S., Kumar, V., Torre, A., Lavrikova, Y., Kuzmin, E. (eds) Landmarks for Spatial Development. Contributions to Regional Science. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37349-7_5
  • Rakhmetova, R.U, Nagima, S. (2019). Socio-economic sustainable development of the regions of Kazakhstan: Research of demographic potential. Journal of Environmental Management and  2019, 10(5), 1124–1134, https://doi.org/10.14505//jemt.10.5(37).19
  • Rakhmetova, R., Maxyutova, A., Kaliyeva S., Meldakhanova, M., & Khajiyeva, G. (2022). Socio-economic factors in labour market regulation. Migration Letters, 19(5), 561–570. https://doi.org/10.33182/ml.v19i6.2375