Kaliyeva Saule Auganbayevna
Head of Department
Kaliyeva Saule Auganbaevna, Doctor of Economics, associate professor
Scopus ID: (57204160377)
Researcher ID: (Y-8598-2019)
РИНЦ: (924366)
ORCID: 0000-0003-0533-2728
Objectives of Department
- Expand and popularize knowledge in the field of social policy and human capital, improving the quality of life, ensuring employment and developing the labor market, etc.
- Analyze the impact of social policy and human capital on sustainable economic development
- Determine the priorities of social policy and human capital development, including improving the quality of life, ensuring employment and developing the labor market, demographic processes, labor migration, etc.
- Develop interdisciplinary research
Functions of Department
- Research and development (R&D) on current issues of social policy and human capital development, employment, level and quality of life of the population, social sustainability, problems of inequality and social stratification, healthy and active longevity, demography, labor migration, etc.: conducting fundamental and applied scientific research, expert and analytical developments at the state and regional levels; developing hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, studying new methodologies.
- Proposals and recommendations: development of scientifically based proposals and recommendations for determining social policy priorities, forming a welfare state and ensuring stable and sustainable growth of the national economy.
- Knowledge dissemination and collaboration: promoting the exchange of ideas and research results through publications, seminars, conferences and collaborations with universities, research institutes, businesses, government agencies, development institutions and other institutions.
Department projects:
«Transformation of Kazakhstan’s labor resources against the background of technological challenges: new quality, model, scenarios»
Publications of Department
- Buitek, E.К., Kaliyeva, S.A., Turginbayeva, A.N., Meldakhanova, M.K. and Shaikh, A.A. (2023), “How much does an employer’s attractiveness matter to youth employment? Evidence from a developing country”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJBA-02-2023-0086
- Maxyutova, A., Kaliyeva, S., Rakhmetova, R.., Meldakhanova, M.., & Khajiyeva, G. (2022). Socio-economic factors in labour market regulation. Migration Letters, 19(5), 561–570. https://doi.org/10.59670/ml.v19i5.2375
- Kaliyeva, S., Baisalova, B., Nathan, J. Managing formation of competitive human capital in project-oriented companies. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Researchthis link is disabled, 2022, 9(6), DOI: https://doi.org/10.15549/jeecar.v9i6.950, Р. 992–1007
- Amrin A. K., Kaliyeva S. A., Alzhanova F. G. Migration Processes in Kazakhstan in the Context of the Formation of the Silk Road Economic Belt. (2020). Journal of Population and Social Studies, 28(2), 156–174. https://publons.com/publon/25752396/
- Ferenc F., Kalyeva S.A., Sadykov I. Social and economic influence of precarization: international outlook from the viewpoint of the nongovernmental sector. (2016). Journal Civil Szemle, 13(2), 5-25. (2016) Journal Civil Szemle Volume:13, Issue:2, 5-25 https://publons.com/publon/25752396/
- Kaliyeva S.A., Buitek E.K., Sadykov I.M.THE STATE AND DYNAMICS OF EMPLOYMENT IN KAZAKHSTAN. (2023) Central Asian Economic Review. 2023;(3):33-43. DOI:10.52821/2789-4401-2023-3-33-43
- Kaliyeva S.A., Baysalova B., Sadykov I.M. New “design” of human capital management in flexible employment. 2021 – Bulletin of KazNU. Economic series, No. 3, 101-116https://be.kaznu.kz/index.php/math/article/view/2359/2150
- Kaliyeva S.A., Buytek E.K., Meldakhanova M.K. Public-private partnership in the field of vocational education. (2021). Bulletin of the University “Turan”, № 3 (91), 249-257 https://vestnik.turan-edu.kz/jour/article/view/1917
- Kaliyeva S.A., Alzhanova, F.G., Meldakhanova, M.K., Sadykov I. The Precariousness Employment in the Eurasian Economic Space: Measurement Problems, Factors and Main Forms of Development 2018 Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business 5(3):157-167 DOI:10.13106/jafeb.2018.vol5.no3.157
- Рахметова Р.У., Қалиева С.А. Алматы қаласының демографиялық үрдісінің миграциялық көрінісі. (2023). Экономика: стратегия және практика, 18(1), 55-67. https://doi.org/10.51176/1997-9967-2023-1-55-67
- Рахметова Р., С. Калиева, К. Абенова Қазақстан өңірлеріндегі әлеуметтік-экономикалық және демографиялық факторлардың өзара ықпалынан қалыптасқан үрдістер (2022) Central Asian Economic Review, Volume 3, №144, – С.6-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52821/2789-4401-2022-3-6-17
- Rakhmetova R., Kaliyeva S., Andekina R., Maxyutova A. Clustering by the level of demographic potential of the regions of Kazakhstan based on SPSS (2022) Вестник Карагандинского университета. – Серия Экономика. – № 3(107)/2022. – С.129-135. URI: https://rep.ksu.kz//handle/data/14478