
Chulanova Zaure Kazbekovna

Chulanova Zaure Kazbekovna

Deputy Director General for Science

Chulanova Zaure Kazbekovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.01 – Economic theory (2000).

Graduated with honors from the Almaty Institute of National Economy.

In 1996-1998 she studied at the DEA (pre-doctoral studies) University of Paris-1 Pantheon-Sorbonne (Paris, France).

Fellow of the Bolashak and IREX programs (Program of Modern International Studies of the US Department of State, Washington), educational and research programs of the Salzburg Global Seminar, the IMF, the Joint Vienna Institute.

Visiting Researcher at the ADB Institute (Tokyo, Japan).

Visiting Professor at Brandeis University (Boston, USA).

Head and executor of research projects on socio-economic development of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNDP, UNECE, etc.

Scientific supervisor of grant projects and responsible executor of the tasks of Program targeted financing of the Institute of Economics of the SC of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2014-2024).

Author of more than 250 scientific publications in Kazakhstan and abroad, including in publications indexed in the Scopus database and the Network of Science, author of a course of lectures, co-author of 11 monographs.

Scientific editor of the journal “Economics: Strategy and Practice”;

Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Human Resource Management (USA).