
Department of the real sector of the Economy

Department of the real sector of the Economy

Kangalakova Dana Muratbekovna

Head of Department

Kangalakova Dana Muratbekovna, PhD, associate professor

Scopus ID: (57194270697)

Researcher ID: C-4875-2015

ORCID:  0000-0001-8388-8559

Objectives of Department

  • To analyze the impact of branches of the real sector of the economy on economic development: in the areas of industrial and innovative development, the processing complex, foreign economic activity, natural resources and environmental management, environmental protection, agriculture and land relations, housing and communal services, passenger transport, communal property, trading activities, tariffs and prices, small and medium-sized businesses, tourism;
  • To identify and promote priority areas of industrial policy, including the manufacturing industry: to analyze various sectors of the real sector of the economy in order to identify their characteristics, development trends, competitive advantages and vulnerabilities. This makes it possible to develop recommendations for improving the competitiveness of individual industries and the entire economic sector.

Functions of Department

  • Research and development (R&D) on topical issues of the real sector of the economy: conducting systematic fundamental and applied research that will involve the development of recommendations for the formation and implementation of economic policies and development strategies that contribute to the stable and sustainable growth of the real sector of the economy.
  • Information support: preparation of analytical reports for companies, government agencies, associations and other stakeholders on the development and management of the real sector of the economy.
  • Knowledge dissemination and collaboration: facilitating the exchange of ideas and research results through publications, seminars, conferences and collaborations with universities, research institutes, businesses, government agencies, development institutes and other institutions.

Projects of Department

2023 – 2025

«Building up highly intelligent human resources in the conditions of digitalization of the economy of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects» AP19680246 (project manager – PhD, associate professor Kangalakova D.M.)

2023 – 2025

«Mechanisms for empowering women in scientific activity in the interests of the development of the innovative economy of Kazakhstan» AP19579256 (project manager – PhD, associate professor Kangalakova D.M.)

Publications of Department

  • Sabden O., Kozhakhmetova A., Zhidebekkyzy A., Turdalina S. (2020). The impact of organizational support on project efficiency: Evidence from Kazakhstan. Problems and Perspectives in Management,18(4), 203–212. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.18(4).2020.18
  • Adilkhanov O.S., Sabden O. (2020). Evaluation of export diversification on sustainable growth in Kazakhstan, Rivista di Studi sulla Sostenibilita, (2), 49–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.3280/RISS2020-002004
  • Sabden O. (2018). The concept of the future and the new paradigm of the fifth spiral: State, business, science, society and informatization. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 5(4), 173–185. https://doi.org/10.13106/jafeb.2018.vol5.no4.173
  • Sabden O., Turginbayeva A. (2017). Transformation of national model of small innovation business development. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 23(2), 1–14
  • Kangalakova D.M., Sabden O. Methods of assessment of efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries: Experience of Kazakhstan. International Journal of Economic Research,   14(7), 47–57.
  • Kireyeva A.A., Satpayeva Z.T., Kenzhegulova G.K., Kangalakova D.M., Jussibaliyeva A. (2022). Kazakhstani womenʼs participation in online marketplaces: Benefits and barriers. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1002/app5.361