Intellectual support of science-intensive economy in Kazakhstan: potential, effects and prospects
Leader of the Research project Ruzanov R.M., PhD in Economics, Leading Researcher
The aim of the first stage (2018) of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the intellectual potential and professional appearance of the workforce at the national and regional levels.
The main results of the first stage of research (2018):
– theoretical substantiation of providing knowledge-intensive economy with intellectual resources;
– methodological approach to identification of qualitative and quantitative parameters of intellectual support of science-intensive economy is defined;
– the structure of intellectual potential is substantiated and its influence on the professional appearance of the labor resources of the country and regions is determined;
– a system of criteria and indicators for assessing the level of intellectual support of the knowledge-intensive economy at the level of the country and regions.
Scientific results are reflected in the following foreign rating editions of RSCI and SCOPUS databases:
Сагиева Р.К., Зиядин С.Т. Анализ состояния готовности национальной экономики Казахстана для перехода на наукоемкие стандарты // Фундаментальные исследования. – 2017. – №11-1. – С.244-247 (РИНЦ, импакт-фактор 0,596)
The aim of the second stage (2019) is to assess the intellectual potential of the regions based on the use of an electronic Atlas “InnoMap.Kz»
The main results of the second stage of research (2019):
– assessment of the state of intellectual potential of Kazakhstan and its regions for the development of knowledge-based economy;
– the dynamics and structure of investments in the intellectual potential of the country and its regions are determined;
-socio-economic consequences of insufficient investment in the intellectual potential of the country are determined;
– electronic Atlas used “InnoMap.Kz” to assess the intellectual potential of the country and its regions, its parameters are adapted to the conditions of the knowledge-intensive economy.
Scientific results are reflected in the following foreign rating publications of the SCOPUS database:
1. Sagiyeva, R., Zhuparova, A., Ruzanov, R., Doszhan, R., & Askerov, A. (2018). Intellectual input of development by knowledge-based economy: Problems of measuring in countries with developing markets. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 6(2), 711-728. doi:10.9770/jesi.2018.6.2(17)
2. Alibekova, G., Tleppayev, A. Medeni, T.D., Ruzanov, R. (2019). Determinants of Technology Commercialization Ecosystem or Universities in Kazakhstan. Journal Of Asian Finance Economics and Business, 6(4), 271-279.
The aim in the third stage (2020) – to assess the effectiveness of the use of intellectual capital in the regions of Kazakhstan and determine strategic directions for the development of intellectual capital in the context of digitalization of the economy and the spiritual revival of society in Kazakhstan.
The main results of the third stage of research (2020):
– strategic directions of development and use of intellectual potential in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of modern trends and needs of the economy have been developed;
– an analysis of existing methods for assessing the effectiveness of the use of intellectual potential at the regional level was carried out, which showed that the most optimal tool for assessing the effectiveness of the use of intellectual potential at the regional level is the use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), which is a linear programming method;
– assessment of the effectiveness of the use of intellectual potential in the regions of Kazakhstan. The Atlas of the efficiency of using the intellectual potential of Kazakhstan by region for 2019 is presented. It shows that the regions with high efficiency of using intellectual potential are Kostanay, Karaganda, Zhambyl regions and Almaty, and with the lowest – Turkestan, Kyzylorda, West Kazakhstan and Mangistau regions. Mechanisms for improving the efficiency of using intellectual potential for the development of a knowledge-based economy have been developed;
– recommendations on the use of Internet platforms for assessing intellectual potential in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are given.
Scientific results are reflected in the following foreign rating publications of the SCOPUS and other database:
1) G.Alibekova, R.Ruzanov и др. Determinants of Technology Commercialization Ecosystem for Universities in Kazakhstan. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business :: Vol.6 No.4 pp.271-279 DOI:
2) Рузанов Р.М., Жангалиева К.Н. Қазақстанның зияткерлік әлеуеті: инвестицияның динамикасы және құрылымдық талдауы //Вестник КазНУ. -2020. – №1. – С.58-72.
3) Sagiyeva (в соавторстве) Assessing the competitiveness of Kazakhstan regions: creating an index. The 1st International Conference on Business Technology for a Sustainable Environmental System
1. Reference on the use of research results in teaching activities from A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University № 15-30-12/2334 dated 19.12.2018 signed by the Vice-rector for research and internationalization Zh. Zharlygasov.
2. Reference on the practical use of scientific research results № 19/12 dated 11.01.2019 from «KazSatGroup Trans» LLP signed by the director Yu.V. Bolshedvorskaya.
3. Review of the practical use of the results of scientific research from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.