
Modernization of the system of distribution relations and reduction of income inequality of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Modernization of the system of distribution relations and reduction of income inequality of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The purpose of the program is to develop new approaches to the transformation of distribution relations in the field of incomes of the population, to improve the mechanisms for their formation and distribution in the interests of improvement of welfare and reduction of social inequality in Kazakhstani society

Program objectives: 

  • To consider the main theoretical approaches in the field of distributive relations and income inequality in a market economy.
  • To investigate the nature of income inequality in modern Kazakh society, to analyze factors, sources, types, income structure, level of inequality.
  • To investigate property relations, their role in the transformation of distributive relations, the formation of income and inequality in Kazakhstan.
  • To investigate the hidden forms of income distribution and their impact on the deformation of distributive relations in Kazakh society.
  • To conduct an economic assessment of the living standards of urban and rural populations, trends in the formation of their monetary incomes and expenditures, consumption patterns, to develop mechanisms to reduce imbalances.
  • To investigate the factors of structural and sectoral differentiation and regional wage imbalances, to determine the main directions of their overcoming.
  • To investigate the problems of gender equality in income, elimination of discrimination in the field of labor, employment, participation in political and public life in Kazakhstan society.
  • To study the relationship between poverty and the deficit of monetary incomes of the population of Kazakhstan.
  • To develop recommendations for improving the financial mechanism for increasing the income of the population.
  • To develop the concept of a New policy of distributive relations and reduction of income inequality of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Expected results:

  • theoretical and methodological approaches will be developed to solve the problem of the growing differentiation of incomes of the population, to form new distribution relations that will reduce social inequality in Kazakhstan;
  • the nature of inequality in modern Kazakhstani society will be investigated, new knowledge will be obtained about the factors, types and structure of income, the role of modern distribution relations in the dynamics and level of inequality in Kazakhstan;
  • the dynamics of income from property, entrepreneurial activity will be found, new distribution mechanisms for the formation of incomes of the population will be substantiated, taking into account the influence of the processes of transformation of relations;
  • hidden forms of income distribution of the population will be found, their influence on the deformation of distribution relations and social inequality in Kazakhstani society will be assessed;
  • a comparative assessment of inequality and living standards of the urban and rural population will be obtained, mechanisms will be developed to overcome the gap and disproportions;
  • new knowledge about the social and territorial stratification of Kazakhstani society will be obtained, structural, sectoral and regional imbalances in wages in Kazakhstan were identified;
  • an assessment of gender inequality will be given and a mechanism will be developed to ensure income equality for men and women, taking into account the sectoral and regional characteristics of Kazakhstan;
  • methodological approaches will be developed and an assessment of poverty in Kazakhstan will be given;
  • recommendations will be developed to improve the financial mechanism for increasing the income of the population;
  • the Concept of the New policy of distribution relations and reduction of inequality of incomes of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be developed.