We inform you that the journal “Economics: Strategy and Practice” included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
DOAJ is one of the most famous search services in the world, which provides open access to materials and indexes journal titles and scientific articles.
The inclusion of the journal in the DOAJ database is evidence that the journal meets all modern international requirements that determine the high quality of a scientific publication. It is preceded by a thorough manual and automated analysis of the journal according to more than 50 different criteria that characterize all aspects of the publishing process (editorial policy, quality of the editorial board, transparency of the processes of accepting, reviewing and publishing articles, availability of full texts of articles, copyright protection, policy in the field of scientific ethics, privacy and anti-plagiarism, transparency of the journal’s website, etc.).
In the economic sphere, only 2 journals were included in the DOAJ, one of them is “Economics: Strategy and Practice”.More information can be found on the website https://doaj.org/