


On April 28, 2023, the Institute of Economy of the Committee of Science for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan alone with KazNU after Al-Farabi and Kainar Academy is holding an international scientific and practical conference «Socio-demographic problems of modernity and the national interests of Kazakhstan».

Conference work is planned in the following areas:

  • Modern demographic challenges and national interests;
  • Socio-demographic potential and demographic stability of Kazakhstan;
  • Demographic dividend and human resource development;
  • Socio-economic, ethno-cultural, ethno-political, medical and social aspects of the demographic development of regions, cities and rural areas;
  • Demographic forecasts and current social, economic, legal problems of family, demographic and migration policy;
  • Population geography: demographic, spatial, economic, socio-cultural, environmental aspects of sustainable development of cities and rural areas.

The conference will highlight the experience and results of scientific research conducted by leading domestic scientists in the field of economics. The conference will become a kind of platform for establishing information exchange for the scientific community, developing international cooperation, and integrating Kazakhstan into the world scientific environment. Leading scientists will share their research experience and talk about the results of their work.

The conference will be attended by representatives of the Kazakh government authorities, businesses, public organizations, foreign and domestic scientists, heads of the universities, as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students, etc.

Date of Conference: April 28, 2023

Conference starts at 10 a.m. Registration starts at 9 a.m.

Conference will be held in combined format: online (Zoom platform) and offline.

Place of Conference – Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 28 Street Shevchenko, Building of the National Academy of Science, Hall of Central Science library, 3 floor.

Conference link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81290640850?pwd=WjZmcFdlQXpoQUpjRzVVUDltMW41dz09

Conference Identity: 812 9064 0850

Code of access: 480754

Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

Financial conditions for participation:

– Expenses related to travel and accommodation during the conference are paid by the participants and their organizations.

– Publication of conference materials for foreign participants – free of charge.




Working languages of the Conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Articles and applications are accepted by e-mail: conference28.04.2023@gmail.com until March 31, 2023 (File names: Surname_article; Surname_application).

Contact person: Tulenbayeva Janie.

Organizing committee address: 050010, Almaty, 28 Street Shevchenko, Institute of Economy of the Committee of Science for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Phone for inquiries: 8(727) 261 01 75, +77473945401

E-mail address: conference28.04.2023@gmail.com

Conference information available on https://project.ieconom.kz/category/meropriyatiya/

Following the results of the conference, a collection of articles will be published.

Fees: 5000 tenge.

Requisites: RSE on REM «Institute of Economics» KN MSHE RK:

BIN 990340001449; Beneficiary Code 16

Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010, Almaty, 28 Street Shevchenko,

tel/fax: (727) 261-01-75; E-mail: ieconomkz@gmail.com

C/A KZ696010131000009277 of the JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan; BIC HSBKKZKX


The original author’s article is accepted for publication.

The text of the article. A separate file with a volume of 4 to 6 pages. The paper size is A4, with a single line spacing. All fields are 2 cm. Pages should not be numbered.

The title of the report in capital letters (bold font, 14 pt, centered). Through the line in lowercase letters – academic degree and academic title, initials and surnames of the authors (font 14 pt, centered). Below (in italics) is the name of the organization, city, country (font 14 pt, centered). A single interval is followed by an abstract (no more than 5 lines) and after a single interval – keywords (up to 5 words and phrases) (font 14 pt, in width). The single interval is followed by the text.

Text parameters: Times New Roman font, size – 14 pt, paragraph indentation – 1 cm, page width alignment, intervals before and after a paragraph – 0 pt, automatic hyphenation.

Figures and tables should be located in the text. Example of the design of the name of the figure: Figure 1 – The level of innovation activity in Kazakhstan (in the center). An example of the design of the name of the table: Table 1 – Indicators of innovation activity by the dimension of enterprises (on the left edge).

Links: off-text (located at the end of the text). For example, in the text of the article: [1, pp. 104-107]; in the text link: Brimbetova N.J. Modernization of territorial development of Kazakhstan: methodology and priorities [Text]. – Almaty: Institute of Economics of the KN MES RK, 2011. – 229 p. Cross-text links are arranged as a list numbered in Arabic numerals at the end of the article in the order in which references to sources appear in the text of the article, the list begins with the words “List of sources used”.

For texts in Russian: a line from the text should contain the title of the report in capital letters, below the surname and initials of the author(s) (font 14 pt, in the center), abstract and keywords in English (font – 14 pt, in width). The articles will be published in the author’s edition. The author is responsible for the content of the article.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements.

Sample design of the article