The project “Assessment of the effectiveness of the healthcare sector in the context of modernization of the social system in the Republic of Kazakhstan”

The project “Assessment of the effectiveness of the healthcare sector in the context of modernization of the social system in the Republic of Kazakhstan” for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 with a period of implementation of 12 months (MES RK). IRN AR09561767. Head of research PhD. Ruzanov R. M.

The idea of the project is to assess the real situation in the healthcare sector. The project is aimed at identifying problems that reduce the efficiency of the health care sector in the context of modernization of the social system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The performers are determined to highlight systemic failures, key problems of an organizational, economic, infrastructural and other nature. As the events of recent months have shown, the weakness of this area affects not only the health of the nation of the country as a whole, but is also capable of bringing the economy to a severe crisis. The system must fix old problems, adapt to new conditions dictated by the pandemic: improve the system of medical care; coordinate services; exclude cases of over-treatment; simplify administrative procedures, critically revise pricing; strictly suppress the facts of fraud and abuse.

The goal is to assess the effectiveness of health care in the context of modernization of the social system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and, on its basis, to prepare recommendations.

The main research results: studied and substantiated the conceptual approaches the assessment of the effectiveness of healthcare in the social system; studied successful foreign experience in the development and modernization of healthcare applicable to Kazakhstan; based on the method of data envelopment analysis (DEA), it is given the assessment of the effectiveness of health care in the regions and in Kazakhstan as a whole in the context of the modernization of the social system of the Republic of Kazakhstan; it has been identified systemic failures in the health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan; a correlation regression model of Pearson was compiled indicating indicators that strongly affect to the life expectancy in the republic; proposals have been developed to improve the efficiency of healthcare in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the following levels: organizational, scientific and educational, infrastructure development and digitalization, economic and social.Scientific significance: receipt of calculated data on the factors affecting the health care system efficiency in the Republic of Kazakhstan that will enable us to change approaches to the management of this area.

Research team members:

Rashid M.Ruzanov– Head of research, PhD.

Author ID в Scopus: 57205545708

Researcher ID Web of Science: O-7099-2017

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4913-3886

Researcher ID in Publons: O-7099-2017


Azimkhan A.Satybaldin – Chief Researcher, D.Sc. in Economics, Professor, Academician of the NAS of the RK

Author ID в Scopus:57204163982

Researcher ID Web of Science: AAP-7842-2020

ORCID ID:0000-0001-7421-4472

Researcher ID in Publons: AAP-7842-2020


Manshuk S.Dosmanbetova– Leading Researcher, PhD

Author ID в Scopus:55428637300

Researcher ID Web of Science     O-7134-2017

ORCID ID 0000-0003-0326-2850

Aida S.Omir  – Researcher, doctoral student

Author ID в Scopus: 0000000349121578

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4912-1578

Researcher ID in Publons:  0000000349121578

Publication of the main results of research of project executors in domestic and foreign editions, including:

In the magazines recommended COXON of the MES of the RK:

  • Satybaldin A.A., Omir A.S. and others. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on life expectancy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. // Bulletin of «Turan» University. – 2021. – No.3. – P.174-179.
  • Omir A.S., Abilkayir N.A. Measuring main public health parameters of Kazakhstan Republic // Economics: strategy and practice. – 2021. – No.3. – P.192-203.

In the publication of SCOPUS base:

Rashid M. Ruzanov, Omir A. Salimzhankizi and other. Measuring the efficiency of health systems in Central Asia: a data envelopment analysis//Population Health Management (under consideration)